Capital contrasts: Tokyo and Canberra – Part 2

Lake Burley Griffin at sunriseFollowing on from Capital contrasts – Part 1, since returning home from a month-long holiday in Japan, I’ve been thinking about the differences I’ve noticed between life in Australia’s capital, Canberra, and Japan’s capital, Tokyo. These differences are by no means definitive, nor supported by any evidence other than my own observations as a resident of one city, and as a visitor to the other. Continue reading

Street art: Bill Murray paste-up

Bill MurrayWith a somewhat uncanny yet irreverent nod to my month spent in Tokyo trying to emulate Scarlet Johansson in Lost in Translation (without the all-expenses-paid room at the Park Hyatt but with a pair of suitable pants for lounging – someone should really tell that girl about Uniqlo) my local shops welcomed me home with this surprise portrait of Bill Murray. Continue reading

Japan’s upwardly mobile dogs

Dog on a bike

Japan’s favourite dog (a Shiba Inu) going for a ride.

When you first visit Japan it doesn’t take long to notice that Japanese dogs are treated like babies. Since I arrived I’ve been trying, stalker style (I’m not proud of my behaviour), to take photographs of dogs in cute outfits. It’s tricky because when they’re out, they’re on the move, either towards you or away from you. If they’re not walking they’re still likely to be mobile, just via some other means, usually pram or pushbike.

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