Capital contrasts: Tokyo and Canberra – Part 2

Lake Burley Griffin at sunriseFollowing on from Capital contrasts – Part 1, since returning home from a month-long holiday in Japan, I’ve been thinking about the differences I’ve noticed between life in Australia’s capital, Canberra, and Japan’s capital, Tokyo. These differences are by no means definitive, nor supported by any evidence other than my own observations as a resident of one city, and as a visitor to the other. Continue reading

Street art: Bill Murray paste-up

Bill MurrayWith a somewhat uncanny yet irreverent nod to my month spent in Tokyo trying to emulate Scarlet Johansson in Lost in Translation (without the all-expenses-paid room at the Park Hyatt but with a pair of suitable pants for lounging – someone should really tell that girl about Uniqlo) my local shops welcomed me home with this surprise portrait of Bill Murray. Continue reading

Street art: Stickers

I started noticing these around Kingston shops and now keep seeing them everywhere.

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I like the detail and precision of the line drawing, as though someone’s doodled them with a pencil.

They’re usually stuck in out of the way places and surprise you when you’re waiting at the traffic lights or staring aimlessly at some ugly piece of urban infrastructure.

Street art: Paste-ups of Kingston

Mr T street artI’m a fan of street art. I’m not talking about mindless tagging and vandalism of private property, although I’ll admit there’s a fine line between them. I do think it’s possible to distinguish between good and bad however, and what I look for is something that catches the eye, causes amusement, creates a feeling of whimsy or just makes you stop and pause unexpectedly. I guess I see the value it can add to some otherwise bland and somewhat desolate urban spaces.

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